
For my first podcast episode I’m joined by Frank Greif. Frank started racing at the young age of 64, and at the end of his first season he co-drove in the Portland 8-hour Enduro, where a friend asked me to drive, too. It was there that we met, talking about business coaching (Frank is an executive coach and business consultant) in between driving stints. We’ve been close friends ever since, proving once again how meeting interesting people and developing relationships is one of the best parts of our sport.

In this episode, we discuss the one thing Frank knows now that he wishes he’d known when he started racing, about his Aha! moment when something just clicked in his driving, business lessons that have applied to track driving, instructing, and the 3 things he’s seen that the best drivers do (and the rest don’t).

Frank’s business, Strategic Intent, is all about helping businesses and teams work strategically with intent (Hmmmm… I wonder how he came up with that name for his business?), and you can reach him there at http://www.strategicintent.com. Frank has recently taken his photography to a whole other level, and you can see his work and find out more about his displays at http://www.frankgreifphotography.com.

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