
Cameron Norsworthy joins me to talk about flow, or getting into the zone. There are many factors that contribute to triggering a “flow performance,” and we talk about the most important ones. What’s very cool in this episode is that he actually takes a few minutes to lead listeners through a short visualization session, and helps you identify what will help you get into the zone more often.

Cameron is the founder and Performance Director for The Flow Centre, and is an athlete, author, entrepreneur, ICF coach, sports psychologist in training, and speaker surrounding topics on flow, performance, creativity, decision-making and innovation. He’s coached numerous World Champions, executives, entrepreneurs, and high profile military personnel. He is passionate about disseminating information on flow and coaching people to find their flow.

Go to http://theflowcentre.com for more information about flow, and what Cameron and his team are doing at The Flow Centre. There are some great resources there, too.

And be sure to check out Learn.SpeedSecrets.com for the Inner Speed Secrets 201 eCourse.