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How can I help you?

I am just getting started

I want to develop specific skills

I want to be more competitive

I want to learn tracks faster

Playbook Promo


Introducing a new resource to help you be an even better driver: Playbooks. These are efficient, actionable video trainings with focused topics.  Check out these new releases.

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Buy all 3: $125 (save $16)

Buy 1: $47
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Buy all 3: $125 (save $16)


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Get the latest info & resources. Plus, get a FREE subscription to “Driving Directions:”, where I share driving tips, stories from the road, and more.

Don't Miss a Thing

We respect your email privacy. I hate unwanted emails as much as you (maybe evene more!), so no worries, I won’t overload you with useless stuff. And you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

I have one goal: To help you be an even better driver by providing the most complete and focused resources for performance, sim, and race drivers.


Live online classes


Videos of strategies and tactics


The Speed Secrets series

Speed Secrets AI

Instant answers to your questions

Sim Racing Academy

One-stop shop for sim racers

Driving Directions

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Virtual Track Walks

Video track walks with Ross

Track Maps

100+ Track layout maps

Ask Ross

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Downloadable quick reads

The Latest

Pssst... Masterclass Coming Soon!

I am putting the final touches on a new Masterclass.  More to come soon!

Speed Secrets: When Good Results In Bad

How trailbracking can slow you down.

Trail braking is the act of easing off the brake pedal while turning into a corner; it’s the overlapping of braking and steering. That’s the what, but what is the why? Why should we, sometimes, trail brake?

Vision Techniques Playbook

The Vision Techniques Playbook provides you with an actionable plan, or process, for how to use your eyes on track.


Drivers Trained


Series Champions Coached


Race Tracks Coached At


Books Sold

Race series and clubs
Ross has worked with:

Race series and clubs Ross has worked with:

“You know it’s really, really too bad there isn’t a world championship for the best of the best professors in the school of driving cars fast. No question, you would be 15- or 20-times world champion with no equal.”

Roger Wilson

“The best driving instruction I’ve found… ever. Obviously extremely knowledgeable, but the explanations and delivery breaks things down like no one else can.”

Francis Terway

“Great instructors ‘get’ that everyone processes information a little differently, so they use many ways to say the same thing. You always seem to do that, with enthusiasm. Sometimes on the track, I can almost hear your voice talking in my head. Weird, right?!”
John Rankin