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Driver Coaching




Speed Secrets Merch

Coaching Programs

This is where it all began… and continues to this day (although, I have less bandwidth to take on many more drivers). I take a holistic approaching to coaching, looking at every perspective of driving, from skills and techniques to the mental game, and everything in between.

What Can a Driver Coach Do for You?

There’s a huge difference between coaching and instructing. If you’re looking for basic instruction – for example, if you want someone to tell you where the apex of a corner is — I may not be your guy. Sure, I can do it. But my expertise goes beyond that. My approach to coaching is to do whatever it takes to make sure you perform better. If that means pointing out where the apex of a corner is, sure I’ll do that. But I’d rather help you learn how to figure out on your own where that apex is, so you don’t have to rely on me forever. I call this learning from the inside out, rather than the outside in.

My goal is to help you develop and improve as a driver in all areas: your speed, your racecraft, your consistency, your ability to sense what your car needs to make it perform better, how to be more effective outside of your car (working with your team, other coaches, whoever), and so much more.

What high-performing person improves without some form of coaching? Athletes in every sport have coaches. Do you?

One-on-One Coaching

Whether you’re just starting out in track day events, club racing, or pro racing; whether you’re young or old; whether your goals are simply to learn the limits of your car better; or you’re embarking on a professional career; I will adapt my coaching to your needs. No level or type of motorsport is out of the question for me.

Group Coaching

For groups of 2 to 4 drivers, I will customize a coaching session to help each driver achieve their goals. The group of drivers can have similar cars, or a variety; on-track sessions can be all at one time, or separate. A Group Coaching program typically involves both on-track and off-track (classroom-type) sessions; the off-track sessions are geared to set specific objectives and tasks for each on-track session, followed by a debrief.


What are your fees for coaching?

Fees are dependent on whether it’s One-On-One, Group, or Elite Coaching, and sometimes on your location and the type of motorsport you’re involved in. But here are the basics:

  • One-on-One Coaching: $2,250/day for the time I spend at the track. Preparation (phone conversations, questionnaires, video/data review, pre-coaching plan) and post-coaching reports are all included, as is my travel time. What aren’t included are my travel expenses, which are charged without any markup.
  • Group Coaching: For two drivers, it’s $4,000/day ($2,000/driver); 3 drivers is $5,250/day ($1,750/driver); 4 drivers is $6,000/day ($1,500/driver); travel expenses are in addition. I rarely take on more than 4 drivers without switching to a special program. Contact me if you’re interested in larger groups.
How are your fees structured?

For coaching engagements that require me to travel (One-On-One and Group Coaching), fees are charged on a day rate, plus travel expenses. The day rate is only charged for the actual days at the track coaching. Additional time that I spend, including the initial assessment, phone conversations, travel time to and from, and any written reports are covered under the at-track fees. In other words, you only pay for the days that I’m at the track coaching you, plus my actual travel expenses.

How do you coach?

My approach to driver development is strategic, developing a driver’s natural talent in a deliberate way. Not just seat time, but the right type of seat time. And not just driving technique. My coaching covers all aspects of being a driver: for amateurs, it’s focused on fun, learning, improving, and achieving your desired goals; for pros, it’s everything from getting the most out of the car on the track to communicating with the team, plus the physical and mental training to take your racing to the next level.

My coaching process starts by getting a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and developing a coaching plan. Then there’s the actual coaching at the track, and finally, a written report reviewing everything you learned and the areas for further improvement. If you want a quick hit — someone to come in and tell you what they would do if they were driving your car, then go for it. But that’s not my approach. If you want a coach to help bring out your best, and to help you develop as a driver — and to help you learn how to learn — I’m your coach.

There’s no cookie-cutter approach, here. Each coaching program is custom-designed, as your needs are different from other drivers’.

Can you help me with my mental focus?

Performance or race driving is more of a mental activity than it is a physical one. Sure, it takes strength and endurance to drive for any length of time on a track. But it’s your ability to focus; process information quickly; mentally “see” what you need to do next; automate your skills and techniques; make good decisions; know when to dial up or down your patience level; and get into that almost mystical state called “the zone.” That’s what makes our sport so challenging (and even frustrating!), and what brings us back over and over again.

Coaching this ”mental game” is my sweet spot, so, yes, I can help with your mental focus.

Will you ride in the car with me?

My attitude towards coaching is “Whatever it takes,” and sometimes that means riding in the passenger seat, or driving the client’s car to set a baseline for data. Having said that, too many coaches are far too quick to hop in the driver’s seat (getting to drive seems to be their prime motivation, rather than being there to help you learn and improve). And often, coaching from the right seat only provides a short-term fix, whereas working with you in other ways helps long-term. Riding, driving, observing from a corner, analyzing data and video, talking to you on a radio, or using one of my other strategies are all the various tools I use to help you achieve your goals.