HPDE Instructor Manifesto eBook DOWNLOAD

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Click on the image to the right to download your copy of The HPDE Instructor Manifesto eBook.

NOTE: Once you download it, please save it to your computer, tablet or smartphone. The database keeps track of it and doesn’t allow you to download it a second time (it’s part of the anti-spam and copyright rules).

I love to share what I’ve learned, and lot of it is free (like this eBook). The only thing I ask is that you agree (by downloading the eBook) to NOT share your copy with anyone else without my written permission (note the copyright message in the eBook). If you know others who would like a copy, have them do just as you’re doing, and download their own free copy.

And don’t worry, I will never share your contact information with anyone else. The only reason for having you sign up to download The HPDE Instructor Manifesto is so I might be able to connect with you and get feedback in the future, as well as let you know when I release another ebook, video, or whatever.

By the way, if you have questions, check out the Ask Ross page. Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to my Driving Directions Substack for tips, stories and opinions.

Keep learning and have fun!