Welcome to the world of High-Performance Driver Education & Track Day events…
Be prepared! Get your free eBook: The HPDE 1st-Timer’s Guide

I look forward to helping you throughout your high-performance driving journey!
– Ross Bentley
While I’ve coached and trained many elite-level drivers, I get as much or more enjoyment helping drivers who are new to the sport learn, improve and experience the same thrill and fun that I do when driving on track. That’s why I want to help anyone who is new to world of High-Performance Driver Education (HPDE) and Track Day events be prepared, and ultimately learn to be even better drivers.
This eBook, The HPDE 1st-Timer Guide, that I co-wrote with my good friend Ryan Staub is meant to help you know what to expect, and how to prepare for your first few HPDE/Track Day events (we’ll even tell you what the difference is between HPDE and Track Day events!!).
To get your copy of The HPDE 1st-Timer’s Guide eBook, fill out the box below and click Download for Free. That’s it. Simply download the eBook and save it to your computer, tablet or smartphone. Did I mention that it’s free?!
If you’re new, or relatively new, to HPDE and Track Day events, this easy-to-read, 25-page free guide is for you! We’ll tell you:
- What to expect at your first event(s).
- How to prepare you and your car.
- The answers to commonly-asked questions.
- How to make the most of your HPDE experience – stay safe, learn and have fun!
The HPDE 1st-Timer’s Guide was co-written by Ryan Staub (a long-time HPDE instructor and racer) and Ross Bentley. After recalling how they felt many years ago when first getting started driving on the track – as well as experiencing decades of organizing HPDE events and instructing new drivers – their goal is to help you feel prepared and comfortable as you begin your high-performance driving experience.

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