Ask Ross

Q: “How many ways or lines, to get through Turn 5 at Road America?”

A: One. The best line!

Your question could be pointed at any corner of any track, as Turn 5 at Road America is no different from this perspective than any other corner. Are there different lines that you can drive in Turn 5? Broadly, no, there is one line that is best at any one time, in your car. But digging deeper, there are always subtle differences between the lines you drive in different cars, different conditions, and whether you’re focusing on late braking or maximum exit speed (if you’re racing wheel to wheel). As I said, though, the differences are subtle.

Turn 5 at Road America is challenging because it’s at the end of a very long straightaway with a big brake zone approaching, and at the same time, it’s very important that you get a good exit to head up the hill to Turn 6. Most corners have a compromise, where you might sacrifice a bit of entry speed for superior exit speed, or the opposite. Turn 5 requires both for a quick lap time.

If you’re racing wheel to wheel, you might change what you’re going to sacrifice, giving up exit speed to maximize late braking to gain position on another car. Or you might give up a bit in braking to set up for a strong exit to set up a pass into Turn 6.

As far as the actual line goes, it doesn’t vary much at all, even with what I’ve said – it’s from the far right edge at turn-in, to the apex curb, and tracking out to the exit curb. It may feel more than a tiny bit different, depending on how much you want or need to trail the brakes in to rotate the car, but again, the difference is small and subtle.

Of course, track conditions always play a role, too. Track temperature, where the rubber is built up, and obviously if it’s wet, that will change where the track has the most grip. As a general guideline, go to where there is grip, even if that means driving what seems like the wrong line.