Drive the Nurburgring & Spa in 2019!

In conjunction with our good friend Ron Simon and his team at RSRNurburg in Germany, Tom Roberts (Eurotrack Adventures) and I will be leading two spectacular trips to Europe in 2019:
- May 6-7 to Spa-Francorchamps (with optional Touristenfahrten session on the Nurburgring Nordschleife on May 5)
- August 25-26 to the Nurburgring Nordschleife
You can not only drive the famous Nurburgring Nordschleife, but also Spa-Francorchamps in Belgium (the circuit that most Formula One drivers claim to be the most challenging). I hope you join us for The Drive of Your Life!
Ross Bentley

While the details of each trip are different, here’s a brief overview of what’s included:
- Preparation – In the months leading up to your trip, Tom Roberts and I will be coaching you with special videos, materials, resources, and suggestions on how to prepare with a simulator. This is a big part of the “special sauce” that separates this trip from just going on your own. How much you enjoy the driving portion of the trip depends heavily on how you prepare – we’re there to help you with that.
- Accommodations & Meals – We arrange your hotel accommodations – all you have to do is get to either Spa, Belgium or Nurburg, Germany – and we look after the rest. When we say that the dinners are spectacular, that’s an understatement! Fantastic food, wine, locations, and socializing make what you do away from the circuits (almost) as memorable as the driving.
- Cars – RSR has well over one hundred cars in their fleet, and you can select almost anything from a Renault Megane to a Porsche GT3 RS, with BMWs and Lotuses in between. Of course, the focus of the trips are the circuits and the driving, so we can attest to the fact that practically “any car will do”!
- Instruction – While at Spa and/or the Nurburgring, you will have one of RSR’s excellent instructors on hand (typically shared with one other driver) to ride with you, conduct a “lead-follow,” and answer your questions. As well, Tom, Ron Simons (yes, one of the true gurus of Spa and the Nordschleife) and myself will also coach you and/or provide you with demo/taxi laps around either circuit.
- Track Walk – Okay, we can’t physically walk the entire 14 miles of the Nurburgring or 4.3 miles of Spa, but… Ron, Tom and I will lead you to key areas and corners of the circuits to view them as you would if walking it. It’s not only a great learning experience, but something that very few ever have a chance to experience.
- Driving – Oh yes, tons of driving! While the exact number of laps you drive at either circuit is dependent on the package you sign up for, many of our past guests/drivers have been challenged to get them all in. There’s that much driving. And did we mention that it’s the Nurburgring and Spa that you’ll be driving?!
- Tourist-y Stuff – While you’re in the area, you may want to take advantage of your time there and take in some of the local scenery, castles, historic sites, and local culture. It’s worth it.
- Spouse/Family/Friends – You’re welcome to bring a guest or two with you, to share in the non-driving activities. Some long-lasting friendships have developed between couples and friends during our past trips, and your spouse/family member/friend will be a part of the group.
- Experience – Either trip is all about the experience… the prep, socializing, making friends, amazing dinners and wine, wonderful accommodations, great instruction/coaching, and unforgettable driving on two of the most famous and challenging circuits in the world. Eau Rogue, Blanchimont, Le Source Hairpin… Karussel, Flugplatz, Tiergarten, Bellof Esses, Lauda Links… Just think – you can drive some of the most famous corners in the world!
For details of the itinerary, pricing and options, click on the documents to the right.
May 5-6 Spa Trip
Click here to download a PDF document that provide you with all of the details about the itinerary, accommodations, cars, instruction, pricing and insurance for the May 6-7 Spa program.
August 25-26 Nurburgring Trip
Click here to download a PDF document that provide you with all of the details about the itinerary, accommodations, cars, instruction, pricing and insurance for the August 25-26 Nurburgring program.

So, Now What?
Participation in both trips are on a first come, first served basis, limited to 20 people. As well, you must be qualified, and we will ask for a driving resume. Past trips have sold out within a few days of them being announced, so if you’re interested, let us know as soon as possible (or sooner!). Email me by clicking here and let us know which trip you’re interested in, and whether you have the driving qualifications and budget to attend in what will be The Drive of Your Life.

Just for fun, check out this video about one of our past Nurburgring trips:
Road & Track article
Be sure to read this great article in Road & Track about our 2017 trip, and how important prep is: What It Takes To Learn The Nurburgring