Performance & Race Driving Tip

Speed Secret: No matter what the level or type of motorsport you participate in, you are a team-builder.

I realize that you may not drive for a professional team. In fact, the majority of performance and race drivers don’t. In fact, I bet there are many reading this that have to look in the mirror to talk to their team! And yet, no matter whether you have dozens of crew members supporting your racing, it’s just you and your spouse or friend, or you’re all on your own, you still have a team.

Think of anyone who has any influence on what you do as a driver as a team member. That could be the shop owner where you have some prep work done, an instructor who you’ve become friends with, a buddy who pits next to you so you can help each other, and all the way up to professional crew members. And of course, your spouse/partner who supports your driving passion in some way is on your team.

So, don’t just think of these people as team members, treat them that way, and do everything you can to bring out the best in them. In that way, you all win.

Check back here often for more tips and advice for performance drivers, race drivers, high performance driving instructors, and anyone else interested in learning to get around race tracks quickly.

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