FREE eBook:

The HPDE Instructor Manifesto

Brake, Brake, Brake: HPDE Instructor Manifesto


Brake, Brake, BRAKE! If you’ve ever said those words, the HPDE Instructor Manifesto is for you!

Just enter your name & email address in the box to the right/below, then click Download.


“I’m giving the eBook away for FREE because I appreciate what you and all the other instructors out there do for our sport of performance driving. Without you, we wouldn’t be attracting and encouraging new people to join our sport – it wouldn’t grow. This is my way of saying ‘Thank You!’

“My hope is that every High Performance Driver Education instructor reads my eBook, for the more we all improve, the more people will join and stay in our sport.

The HPDE Instructor Manifesto is filled with over 40 pages of tips, advice and thought-provoking ideas that I’m sure will make you an even better instructor than you are today. And if you’re not an instructor yet, this will prepare you for what is one of the most rewarding and challenging activities ever.”

Why Read It?

“Helping others experience the same thrill you get from High Performance Driving is… well, almost as good as driving one’s self (and sometimes even better!).

“But strapping yourself into a car being driven around a race track at high speed, by a driver of ‘unknown’ abilities, may be one of the most challenging things any human can do. Especially if you’re really committed to helping that driver improve.

“That’s why you should read The HPDE Instructor Manifesto.

“I’ve used my 30-plus years of driver coaching, instructing, training other instructors, and observing instructors to write what I believe is something that every HPDE instructor should read – that is, if you really want to help others improve.”

– Ross Bentley

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