FREE eBook:
How to Learn a Track… Fast!
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Whether you’re going to a track for the first time, or you’re looking to refresh your memory, the How to Learn a Track… Fast! eBook provides a 22-step process to help you get up to speed quickly and safely. Everything from the use of track maps, simulators, video, coaches, to the good ol’ physical track walk, there’s a right way to get the most out of these steps (and there’s the wrong way, which I don’t both covering!).
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Here's what's waiting for you inside...
- Track map
- Mental imagery
- Video & data
- Simulators
- Track references
- Coaching
- Track notes
- And more…
“I enjoy your style of writing/teaching. It lines up with my slow, steady nature of taking the information from the text to the actual application of the information to the car. You have taught me a great deal that I am using every time I put a helmet on.”