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St. Pete Indy Car Race Chat

It’s a “Watch Party”!

by | Feb 26, 2025

This coming Sunday I’m going to try something new, and I’m hoping you’ll join me. I’m going to be online in my Chat feed during the TV coverage of the St. Petersburg Indy car race, sharing my thoughts, answering your questions, and reading your comments. The idea is that you and I (and other subscribers) will be watching the race together, and having an online conversation.

The race is scheduled to start at 12 noon Eastern/9am Pacific, but I plan to be online in my Chat feed at least 15 minutes beforehand. Coverage is on Fox.

I hope you join me (I’ll be lonely if I’m all by myself! 🙂 ).

Just go to RossBentley.Substack.com and click on the Chat icon, or go to…