Plan To Improve Your Performance Driving
On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your driving performance. The very act of writing down these ratings will actually begin the process of improvement.
On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your driving performance. The very act of writing down these ratings will actually begin the process of improvement.
Communication is the key to developing the handling of your car, even if that communication happens between you and yourself! The more questions you ask, and the more you listen, the more you learn.
More – and the better quality – notes you make on a track map after each session will greatly improve your driving.
To be really fast, you must manage the weight transfer juuuuuust right. Too much, and you have less grip. Too little, and you don’t rotate the car. Just right, and you’re fast.
What you believe will have more of an impact on your performance behind the wheel than any skill, technique, or anything you do to your car. Develop your belief system using mental imagery – program what you want to believe.
Passing and being passed (and discouraging others from passing you) are all part of racecraft, a skill that you can practice – if you know what to practice.