Race & Performance Driving Tip

Speed Secret: Replay your successes.

Here’s your homework for the holidays: Make a list of all the things you did well this past year, in and out of the car (but only to do with driving!!!).

For some reason, we tend to focus too much on what we do wrong. It seems easier to see all that we do wrong than what we do right.

But think about this: If we do 
enough of the right things, we don’t have time to do the wrong things. And if we replay the things we’ve done right, we tend to do more of them.

One of the best ways to get into a performance state of mind is by replaying in your mind one of your greatest past performances. By making a list of everything you’ve done well this past season, it’ll help put you into a performance state of mind – it can’t help but do that.

But this will take some effort. Take it seriously (but have some fun, too). Put some time aside, sit down with a blank sheet of paper and just begin writing everything that comes to mind when you ask yourself these questions:

  • What did I do well this past season, in and out of the car?
  • What skills and techniques did I perform well most of the time?
  • What mental “skills” did I perform well?
  • What did I do well with my team this year?
  • What car feedback and setup work did I do well this past season?

Don’t be critical as you write your answers out – just write them down. Sure, you can always do better, but I’m sure there are many more things that you did well than you give yourself credit for. So, in keeping with the theme of the season, be generous with yourself.

Now, sit back and think about everything you’ve written on your list. Just enjoy it. Enjoy the state of mind you’re in as you re-read your list. Feels pretty good, right?

Congratulations to you for all you did well this past season!

Check back here often for more tips and advice for performance drivers, race drivers, high performance driving instructors, and anyone else interested in learning to get around race tracks quickly.

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