Striving For Perfection In Your Track Driving

Striving For Perfection In Your Track Driving

There is a very fine line between being a perfectionist, and constantly working towards improving. Perfectionists are so focused on doing everything just right that they often lose sight of what can be learned from making small errors. In driving, they’re so caught up in driving the perfect line through a turn that they drive too slow.

Striving For Perfection In Your Track Driving

When Smooth Is NOT Fast

“You’re so smooth… except when you apply the brakes. You really hit them hard.” That’s a comment I’ve heard more than once after giving a sport/track day/HPDE driver a ride around the track. I’ve also heard a variation on the comment from these same sort of people after riding with anyone that I’ll call here a “pro driver.”

Striving For Perfection In Your Track Driving

High Performance Braking Technique

Speed Secret: Carry entry speed by looking into the turn and focusing on your release of the brakes. Focus on the End-of-Braking point. One of the most important driving techniques that has led to the biggest gains from the most drivers I’ve worked with is covered in this Speed Secret.