Get Lucky… And Win More Races
Want to get lucky? Then mentally program being lucky. Yes, you can actually improve your chances of things going your way by changing your belief system through mentally imagery.
Want to get lucky? Then mentally program being lucky. Yes, you can actually improve your chances of things going your way by changing your belief system through mentally imagery.
Driving fast requires the use of both sides of your brain, and there are “exercises” you can do to help integrate it.
Getting a great race start is more about your mindset than it is any specific technique, as I explain in this tip. You can be a hero or a zero at the start – your choice.
The speed at which you turn the steering wheel should be different, depending on the corner you’re navigating. You can progressively, linearly, or digressively turn the wheel.
Turning the steering wheel is a terrible thing to do to a car. It slows it down – and who wants to do that?! The less you turn the steering wheel, the faster you will go.
The most important corner on a track is NOT necessarily the one leading onto the longest straight, despite so many people saying it is. That’s “lazy thinking,” because most tracks have a more important corner.